Here are all my latest posts. Check ’em out!

The Character of Mr. Acevedo: A WHOLE NEW BALLGAME Blog Post

The Character of Mr. Acevedo: A WHOLE NEW BALLGAME Blog Post

“I want to see more of you in this book.” That’s what my editor Wes said to me when we were going over an early draft of A Whole New Ballgame, and as soon as he said those ten words, my ever-present hovering light bulb switched on. At that moment, I knew I needed to...

A Dog Story with a Happily Ever After Ending

A Dog Story with a Happily Ever After Ending

Several weeks back, we placed a difficult post on social media about our rescue dog Cleveland, who we had adopted four months earlier: "Sadly, we're dealing with an unfortunate situation with Cleveland. She's a beautiful animal -- gentle as can be, intelligent, and...

The Character of Mr. Acevedo: A WHOLE NEW BALLGAME Blog Post


Today is a circle-the-calendar day, one of those days where you put multiple stars across the top of your journal entry. I can safely say that today is one of the biggest days of my writing life. It's the book birthday of A WHOLE NEW BALLGAME. But it's much more than...

School Visits

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Book A Visit

Out Of My Mind

Check out some of the vids from my old YouTube series. They're pretty cool. Watch Now