Here are all my latest posts. Check ’em out!

Room 208: A WHOLE NEW BALLGAME Blog Post

Room 208: A WHOLE NEW BALLGAME Blog Post

(This is the second in a series of blogs for my new middle grade novel, A Whole New Ballgame, the first book in the Rip and Red series.)   Ninth period of junior high. Staring at the clock. The interminable wait for the minute hand to sweep past the eleven and...

What’s in a Name? A WHOLE NEW BALLGAME Blog Post

What’s in a Name? A WHOLE NEW BALLGAME Blog Post

          (This is the first in a series of blogs for my new middle grade novel, A Whole New Ballgame, the first book in the Rip and Red series.) What’s in a name? I met Lindsay at a school visit about eight or nine years ago. She was the librarian at Cactus Ranch...

What’s in a Name? A WHOLE NEW BALLGAME Blog Post

The Story of the Book Trailer

Sometimes you realize you're part of something special as it was happening. This was one of those instances. If you have three minutes, please take the time to check out A Guest Post by Teacher-Librarian Jennifer Lucas over on Mr. Schu's Watch. Connect. Read. blog...

NIght at the Stadium!

NIght at the Stadium!

I'm not very good at keeping secrets...especially secrets as big as this one! Finally, I'm able to announce my new picture book coming next spring. It's called, "Derek Jeter Presents: Night at the Stadium." Here's what it's going to look like: Yes, this life-long, die...

Marvelous Cornelius: Book Trailer Premiere!

Marvelous Cornelius: Book Trailer Premiere!

Next month, my new picture book MARVELOUS CORNELIUS comes out. The amazing paintings were done by John Parra. The book is the story of a New Orleans street performer/garbage man named Cornelius Washington. It's also a Hurricane Katrina story -- this August marks the...

School Visits

Curious about having Phil visit your school or event?
Click below and learn more!

Book A Visit

Out Of My Mind

Check out some of the vids from my old YouTube series. They're pretty cool. Watch Now